martes, agosto 31, 2010

I have decided that from now on, we're going to talk like this...

...and I don't mean moving my lips in a funny way like Billy Crystal and Meg Ryan in that scene from "When Harry met Sally".
I mean the language. Have I ever mentioned here that I prefer to talk in English? I probably have, nobody reads this shit hole of a blog anyway. The days of the blogs, real blogs, with content and a bit of writing, are over. It's the social network era.
And I'm not complaining...even better for me. I get to write whatever the f.. I want and no one would be offended. Not anyone I know for that matter.
So yes, I'm from Mexico, and my native language is Spanish, the most beautiful of them all in my personal opinion. But I write in English, as I think in English because it's like it's not's like being someone else, somewhere else...

2 comentarios:

Luis Cineralio dijo...

The big deal is that you are writing again!

And i think i'm too!

See you around.

Anónimo dijo...

dile al pavels he will feel better